The Best Morgana Skins in League of Legends (All Ranked) –

Morgana is a powerful mage in League of Legends, but her character design has changed over time. These are the best skins for Morgana in ranked matches.

Morgana is a champion in League of Legends. She has been around for a long time, but she is still one of the most popular champions in the game. Her skin options are endless and it can be hard to decide on which ones you like best. This list will help with that decision.

So you’ve been assigned a Morgana Q and are looking for something to read while you wait?

So, I’ve got a fantastic idea for you. Let’s have a look at some skins.

You may wonder why.

Well, the best way to defeat the devil is to become one yourself – and while you’re doing it, why not look snazzy?

So, while we sell our souls to the devil king, we’ll be rating the greatest Morgana skins for League of Legends, taking into consideration both aesthetics and pocketbook crit damage. Let’s get started.


Morgana, who has been exiled, is number ten.

Exiled Morgana skin splash artRiot Games is responsible for this image.

Released on June 1st, 2010 with a cost of 975 RP

To be honest, Morgana has some fantastic skins. And I believe they’re all worth looking at.

This is the least impressive of the whole collection.

Morgana’s color palette of orange and white is just unappealing to me. It’s a little strange, and as we’ll see with the other skins, there’s a reason she prefers darker themes.

Her abilities have all been reworked, with her ulti standing out for me — her wings simply give off strong Kill la Kill Kiryuin vibes, but that’s about it.

It’s competitively priced and well-designed in every way.


Morgana’s Sinful Succulence (#9)

Sinful Succulence Morgana splash artRiot Games is responsible for this image.

Released on September 2nd, 2010 with a retail price of 975 RP

The problem with this skin is that it only does so much.

It modifies the basic model by giving Morgana a chef’s hat, but that’s about all it does.

It has some very amazing splash graphics and is a well-made model. However, with no animation modifications, there isn’t much of a difference.

Especially when my prior choice has the same price tag but redoes parts of the animations.

Exiled Morgana has a better base model and splash art than this one, but the absence of additional movements prevents it from moving up the tier ranking.


Morgana the victorious

Victorious Morgana skin splashRiot Games is responsible for this image.

On November 11th, 2014, the film was released. Price: Reward Points

Okay, this one might get a little heated.

All of this skin is a status symbol for me.

Although attaining Gold isn’t all that rare these days, with around 25% of gamers achieving this goal, the 7-year-old skin does offer you some street cred.

However, I think the skin is fairly poor on its own.

It isn’t themed in the same way as the others, but it does make Morgana seem nicer.

The color scheme of purple and gold works nicely for the model, but not so well for the animations.

Apart from the street cred, the backdrop animation is the only thing that really stands out for me. It’s absolutely stunning.


Morgana, the Lunar Wraith

Lunar Wraith Morgana skin splashRiot Games is responsible for this image.

Date of Publication: January 27th, 2016 The price is 975 RP.

This skin is also one of those that “does everything well but has no genuine hook.”

The color palette switch works nicely here, and the in-game model, particularly the new green wings, is very well done.

However, unlike other of the higher-ranking options on our list, it doesn’t go above and beyond what a 975 RP skin should accomplish.

The animations, on the other hand, have all been changed to match the new theme. The splash art is also very good.

Look no farther than Lunar Beast Annie to see what a Lunar skin might have been, and you’ll probably agree with me that Lunar Wraith was a bit of a letdown.


Morgana, the Blade Mistress

Blade Mistress Morgana Skin Splash ImageRiot Games is responsible for this image.

Released on December 1st, 2010 with a retail price of 750 RP

This skin will provide you with a lot of bang for your money.

It will get you a beautiful in-game model and amazing splash art for just 750 RP.

Morgana gets a new pink cut and some sharp-looking wings in the in-game model, which is punky and scary as heck.

Be warned, however, that none of the animations will be altered.

This isn’t a big deal since it matches the concept well.

However, I’ll have to deduct a few points for that.

Plus, it looks like a good way to tie up the Morgana skins’ bottom half.


Morgana, the Majestic Empress

Majestic Empress Morgana Skin SplashRiot Games is responsible for this image.

Date of Publication: September 26th, 2019 1350 RP is the price.

Since a result, this skin is a little divisive, as it goes in the other way when it comes to Morgana’s motif.

We get an angel-like figure with lovely flowing white wings instead of the typical dark and scary witch.

All of the animations are fantastic, and the visual style is excellent.

However, I can’t rank it much higher since it contradicts Morgana’s general concept.

When a Majestic Empress Morgana uses her powers, I expect them to cure me rather than root me for a half-century.

Since a result, this skin must be in the top half of the list, as it is delightfully insane. However, I can’t give it a higher rating since it’s conceptually nonsensical.


4. Morgana Blackthorn

Blackthorn Morgana Skin Splash ImageRiot Games is responsible for this image.

Date of Publication: May 23rd, 2012 1350 RP is the price.

It’s time to be a little sassy.

In terms of the in-game model, Blackthorn Morgana takes a unique approach, portraying Morgana as an evil elf-like figure with dragon-like wings and even a tail.

The model is stunning, however the animations are a little too predictable.

It’s all about the thorns.

Her powers mirror this mindset, with thorns appearing in one way or another in each spell.

It’s on the pricey side, but if you prefer a more fantasy-oriented design, I believe it’s worth a look.


Morgana, the Ghost Bride

Ghost Bride Morgana Skin Splash ImageRiot Games is responsible for this image.

Date of Publication: June 13th, 2013 The price is 975 RP.

This skin has survived the test of time well.

It takes what Morgana’s theme has going for it and amplifies it with a big spook element.

Her new Q and R animations are beautiful, and her W and E recolorings are basic yet effective.

The recall animation is without a doubt my favorite feature of this skin. It will terrify me ten times out of ten when I hear it.

Everything simply matches the concept wonderfully, and if you’re looking for a cheap skin, I strongly suggest this one or my number one choice lower down the list.


2. Morgana’s Coven

Coven Morgana Skin Splash ArtRiot Games is responsible for this image.

On April 16th, 2020, the film will be released. 1820 RP is the price.

Let’s face it: this is the greatest skin you’ll ever see.

Morgana is transformed into a terrifying vampire queen who is eager to cause havoc.

All of her particle effects have been redone, and her recall animation has been changed to a demonic-looking bird.

Even the W motion resembles a sacrificial circle, which it also feels like. And her E seems to be much more strong than before, while her R appears to be overpowering — and her Q is much more visible.

It’s a beautiful complexion.

And if you’re a mister or misses moneybags, this is the one to get.


Morgana, the Bewitching

Bewitching Morgana Skin Splash ArtRiot Games is responsible for this image.

Date of Publication: October 19th, 2016 The price is 975 RP.

This skin seems like the ultimate Morgana dream, in my opinion.

It transforms her into a real witch, and I’m here to see it.

The in-game model is gorgeous, particularly with her new witch hat, and all of her animations have been redone to suit the theme.

Every ability lands with bats flying about, and it all comes together wonderfully.

Furthermore, the splash image is akin to a shrine for die-hard Morgana fans.

This skin is a great bargain for just 975 RP. And, when it becomes accessible, I strongly advise you to have a look at it.

Note that some of the items utilized are Epic Games, Inc. trademarks and/or copyrighted works. Epic has all rights to the work. This is not official Epic content, and it is not sponsored by Epic.

The coven morgana skin is a skin that Morgana can wear in League of Legends. It was released in the August 2017 PBE patch, and has been ranked as one of the best Morgana skins.

Frequently Asked Questions

Whats the best Morgana skin?

I am not sure what you mean by best Morgana skin.

Is Blackthorn Morgana a good skin?


Is Exiled Morgana skin rare?

Yes, the Exiled Morgana skin is a rare skin.

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