Hitman 3 Featured Contract | Corporate Interests #3 Silent Assassin guide

In this guide, we will show you how to complete the Silent Assassin contract featured in Hitman 3.

Hitman 3 is a game that you can play with your friends. The hitman contracts are contracts that the player has to complete in order to progress through the game.

Corporate Interests #3 is Screen Rant’s third and final Featured Contract for Hitman 3. It’s the most difficult of the three, and it has certain very precise criteria if you want to get the highest possible score. This tutorial will teach you how to finish the game with all of the goals completed and a Silent Assassin rating.


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Although the loadout for this mission isn’t as detailed as it seems, you must stick to certain of these requirements in order for our path to function. To begin, choose a starting location for the Restaurant Kitchen. This guarantees that you begin the assignment in the dumpling cook disguise, which is ideal since your outfit is irrelevant for this operation. The only thing you’ll need for this assignment is a handgun. The ICA 19 Goldballer is the model we’ve selected. A remote bomb is in our inventory, as well as one brought in via the apartment, according to our loadout. These aren’t required, but they may be useful if you’re having trouble mastering our path and don’t mind missing two goals.

Step 1: Arrive to the housing complex.

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Pick up the large meat cleaver on the kitchen table and go out the rear door and down the stairs from your starting point. As you enter the alley, you’ll see a lady frantically attempting to recall the code for the adjacent door. Subdue her and dispose of her corpse in a nearby trash can. You’ll notice your first target resting against a container after she’s out of the way. Drag him back to where the lady was standing and subdue him. You may throw his corpse over the rear wall of this alley to score an accidental fall kill, fulfilling all of this target’s goals in one shot.

You must now sprint down the alley, past the two guards stationed at its entrance, and across the street to the apartment building. If you choose our smuggled item, you’ll be able to identify which building it is by looking at your minimap, but it should be recognizable to anybody with a rudimentary understanding of Chongqing’s map. It’s just across the street from this alleyway.

Step 2: Attract the guards’ attention and assassinate the second target.

Make your way up the stairs inside the apartment building and use the lockpick to open the first door on the right. This is the apartment where the smuggled object will be kept, although if you pull this off well, you may not need it. Return to the hallway after picking up the coins on the table inside the apartment. You must first toss a coin down the stairwell, then race down and pick it up.

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Return to the top of the stairs and await the arrival of the first guard to investigate. If you allow them, they will wait at the foot of the steps and stroll away. Flip the coin in the corridor directly in front of you once they’ve arrived at the foot of the stairs. This will entice them to climb the steps. You must, however, go down and behind them before they ascend the stairwell. Subdue them while they’re approximately halfway up. You may now conceal their corpse in the apartment’s closet that you just opened.

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Do the same thing downstairs with the second guard. Distract and subdue the victim after both guards are out of the way. You’ll have to drag their corpse outside the apartment building’s doors to the bike.

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As long as the corpse is concealed by the bike, no one will notice it. Return to the apartment building and shoot the motorcycle until it explodes. The target will be killed by an unintentional explosion. Because it was an unintentional kill, your Silent Assassin rank will not be harmed if the corpse is later found. If you can’t make this work, you may kill the target with the explosive device you brought in and then conceal the corpse, but this won’t qualify as an accident kill.

The next step is to fill the propane tank.

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To go onto the roof, run all the way up the stairwell inside the apartment building and utilize the door. Drop down where the wall is shattered, shimmy along the ledge to the ledge, and then climb up onto the drainpipe. This drainpipe may be used to gain access to the rooftop above. Once you’re on the roof, walk around to the left of the cage to evade the two guards. On the right, there’s a walkway with a camera that you may use to go over quickly. The propane tank is located near the balcony.

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This propane tank is marked on the map below.

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Return to the point where the drainpipe connects to this rooftop. After you’ve climbed down, toss the gas tank onto the rooftop below so you can pick it up and carry it with you. Throw it and walk away while waiting for the guard it distracts to investigate. Then descend the stairs, take the propane tank, and exit the apartment building.

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Step 4: Assassinate the proprietor of the business.

To get to the store owner, run up the street to the left of the apartment building’s door. Wait for her to exit the store and light up a cigarette. Bring the propane tank to this area and put it on the roadway just in front of where she will be standing.

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Move behind this position to the vehicle, crouch down, and wait for the target to return for another smoke. When she does, fire two shots at the propane tank, causing it to explode. It doesn’t matter whether the corpse is discovered since this will be an unintentional explosion death. You may also use a remote explosive device to murder her here, but the corpse will be discovered and your Silent Assassin rating will be lost.

Step 5: The meal at the restaurant

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Your ultimate objective is to have supper in the same restaurant where it all started. Return there and enter via the main entrance. The discussion between the Board Member and the ICA Representative must be initiated by you. A route leads through the restaurant to your target and his wife on your left. Wait until the waiter comes up this route to clear the tables. Subdue him when he does.

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Wait for the ICA Representative to exit the kitchen after walking past it. Then, when she enters the kitchen, look for the chef standing next to the entrance she came in from. Drag this corpse into the restrooms via the door immediately behind you as soon as he does. You just have a few seconds to complete this task, so act fast.

Return to the table where you subdued the chef now that the body has been concealed. To bring out the target’s wife, toss a coin onto the floor. Subdue her and conceal her in the container as she’s ready to go away. To bring out the target, flip the coin once again and murder him with the butcher cleaver we grabbed previously. You may bury him in the same container as his body.

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You are now free to choose whatever exit you choose. The scooter at the top of the street is recommended since it is the closest and will give you the best score.

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