What Does Journeyman Salvager Do in FFXIV? –

A Journeyman Salvager is a type of NPC that will help players in FFXIV. They can be found at the following locations:

The ffxiv journeyman salvager location is a question that has been asked by many players. It is a class in the game FFXIV.

In Final Fantasy XIV, the Journeyman Salvager is a housing NPC that players may obtain. It may be used to re-purchase things acquired through Seasonal Events and particular quest rewards in your home or apartment.

So, let’s suppose you’ve successfully climbed the apparently insurmountable Final Fantasy property ladder and purchased a home. Alternatively, you might have given up and rented an apartment (man, this is all too close to reality).

With the variety of housing choices available, you undoubtedly already know that you can personalize your living environment to a significant degree.

However, one of the much more practical advantages of having your own space is the opportunity to hire NPCs.

There are one-time fees for these:

You just need to get a permit and then put it in your new apartment as if it were a piece of furniture.

Try not to think about the implications of modern-day slavery, but for a very modest fee, you can essentially have a retinue of employees at your disposal to cater to all of your requirements.

The Journeyman Salvager is one of the most helpful NPCs you may have on your estate, yet you may never use him.

It all depends on how enthusiastic you are about inventory management.


What Is The Role Of The Journeyman Salvager?

The Journeyman Salvager essentially enables you to reclaim any one-time prizes you’ve misplaced.

New things are continually being added to XIV’s inventory.

Because the job system allows players to take on numerous responsibilities on a single character, you’ll often find yourself carrying a large number of them at once. When you finally get around to cleaning up your inventory, it’s easy to lose one-off goods obtained through quests or events.

The Journeyman Salvager NPC comes into play here.

For instance, I’d lost a ton of gear acquired via job quest awards, putting me at a disadvantage with my Dragoon (who I’d abandoned when I chose to become a tank).

I was able to reclaim everything for a little price thanks to the Journeyman Salvager.

It may also be used to reclaim things that have been misplaced during the Seasonal Event.

These events award you with one-of-a-kind themed goods, such as clothes and furnishings, that you won’t find anywhere else.

Check out the Journeyman Salvager if you’ve inadvertently disposed of anything and want it back!

The list of things that you may be able to buy from the Journeyman Salvager is much too extensive to mention here.

If you’re interested, you may see a complete list of its inventory on this website.

And, of course, you won’t be able to buy anything until you’ve previously finished the quest or event that led to its unlocking.


Buying The Journeyman Salvager Permit in FFXIVAll Rights Reserved. Image source: Meoni / SQUARE ENIX CO., LTD.


What is the best way to get the Journeyman Salvager?

You must buy a Journeyman Salvager Permit from a merchant in order to have a Journeyman Salvager in your estate/apartment.

If you live in an apartment, this will come from the Apartment Merchant, or the Independent Sutler in the appropriate housing area.

All of your housing NPC requirements may be met by the Sutler.

After you’ve obtained the Journeyman Salvager Permit, all you have to do now is store it in your home.

The Salvager may then be moved about like any other piece of furniture, allowing you to match it to your existing decor (or just stick them out of the way somewhere.)

The Journeyman Salvager’s look will change depending on the race and gender you select.

You can’t tweak every element of their look as you can with retainers.

So make sure you choose one that you like!


What To Do If You Don’t Want To Use A Journeyman Salvager

Although it isn’t the worst annoyance in the world, you may not want to be reliant on the Journeyman Salvager.

Fortunately, there are a slew of different methods to keep track of your inventory and avoid losing items in the first place.

Do you have any glitzy accessories with you?

Get it out of your Armoury Chest and into an inn room’s Dresser/Armoire. By putting the item there, you may permanently convert it into a glamorous look, keeping it secure from inadvertent sale.

Do you have several sets with you?

Use the Gear Set settings in the character window to arrange them. If an item is part of a stored gear set, it will be marked with a list symbol in the inventory screen, making it impossible to sell it inadvertently.

You may also keep things you don’t wish to use right now in your retainers.

They have inventories that are similar to yours and may be used to keep things secure and out of the way.

The allagan housekeeping node ffxiv is a job that can only be done by a journeyman salvager. This is a very difficult job and it requires the player to have a lot of patience.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do you get a journeyman Salvager?

You can get a journeyman Salvager by doing the following:

How does the calamity Salvager work?

The calamity Salvager is a special weapon that can be obtained by completing the game. Its an upgrade to the standard hilt, and it allows you to make use of any hilt youve picked up in your playthroughs.

Where is the calamity Salvager in ff14?

The calamity Salvager is a rare item in the game. It is located in the Henne Mines, which can be found on your map by using your gatherer bot.

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